Thursday, December 11, 2014

Homeowner Associations: Whaler Inn Beach Club

Although not a traditional multifamily dwelling, the Whaler Inn Beach Club has a homeowner association with an interesting history. The complex began as a motel in the early 1970s and continued to reinvent itself throughout the 1980s.

Early Town Clerks

By the time Pine Knoll Shores incorporated in 1973, 20 years after Alice Hoffman died, a cohesive community existed, consisting of two homeowner associations—Pine Knoll Association (PKA) and the newly formed Pine Knoll Shores Corporation (PIKSCO). Incorporation as a town gave this small community official standing and structure. Full-time residents elected a Board of Commissioners, who, in turn, selected a mayor. They, then, added to that structure by hiring a town clerk. The story that follows features the first three town clerks, focusing on the most recent—Corrine Geer.