In a search for information about Alice Hoffman's dairy business, a file in the State Archives of North Carolina titled "Documents regarding proposed State Parks on Bogue Banks" caught my eye. This file, containing 56 pages of text along with numerous period pictures, assesses the feasibility of establishing a State Park on all or some of Bogue Banks. The various reports and studies span 17 years from 1923 to the 1940s. The earliest reports give a picture of the island nearly 100 years ago. It also reflects the socio- economic conditions and prevailing attitudes of the times. This post contains excerpts from that file that the author found illustrative, interesting, or surprising.
The complete document is available at The State Archives of North Carolina Digital Collections
As of April 2016, The Clam Digger (also spelled
Clamdigger) Inn has new owners. Before the start of the 2017 beach season, they
erected a new roadside sign identifying it as “The Inn at Pine Knoll Shores.”
The following post is an update of a September 2008 Shoreline article
entitled “The Birth of a Landmark."