Welcome to the history blog for the Town of Pine Knoll Shores, NC. Browse our site and discover the people, places and events that create the rich heritage of this unique coastal community. Come back often to see what's been added.
Beach Town in a Forest
Beach Town in a Forest, Pine Knoll Shores located in Carteret County on North Carolina's Crysal Coast. Photo compliments of Bill Flexman and Dave Prutzman
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Homeowner Associations: Whaler Inn Beach Club
Early Town Clerks
By the time Pine Knoll Shores
incorporated in 1973, 20 years after Alice Hoffman died, a cohesive community
existed, consisting of two homeowner associations—Pine Knoll Association (PKA)
and the newly formed Pine Knoll Shores Corporation (PIKSCO). Incorporation as a
town gave this small community official standing and structure. Full-time
residents elected a Board of Commissioners, who, in turn, selected a mayor.
They, then, added to that structure by hiring a town clerk. The story that
follows features the first three town clerks, focusing on the most recent—Corrine
Friday, November 14, 2014
Bogue, The Name
“Bogue Banks is her name,
A not so ordinary island or name.”
To rephrase the lyrics of the David Gates song “Aubrey.”
There are a multitude of stories about the derivation,
source and meaning of the name Bogue. Whether referencing local historians who
share the stories told to them by their elders or searching works of learned
scholars, you will find the answers less than definitive. Oh, yes, some will
insist they know the truth, but with all the various tales told, it seems wise
to remain a bit skeptical. A review of available literature and discussions
with those who have also looked into this subject produced the following
Moseley map 1737, first to use Bogue for inlet, sound and banks
Monday, November 3, 2014
Homeowner Associations: Reefstone
Most of the multifamily complexes
built in the 1970s were on the ocean side. Reefstone is an exception. Its
layout and design are also exceptional. The only other area to use a similar
concept is a section of McGinnis Point that is also on the sound side. Phase I
of Reefstone was started about a year after Phase I of Pine Knoll Townes.
Homeowner Associations: Pine Knoll Townes
After completing the canals and the
general layout of the PKA section of Pine Knoll Shores, the Roosevelts began to
sell off property to developers whose buyers’ market was primarily in North
Carolina and Virginia. The property was divided into relatively small parcels. Wanting to make the most of their investments and to appeal to the desire for
vacation property without the burdens of home ownership, developers decided to
construct multifamily complexes. One of the first was Pine Knoll Townes.
Map showing in black other HOAs that existed in 1972 when Pine Knoll Townes I and II first appeared.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Bogue Banks Public Library: Prehistory
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Homeowner Associations: McGinnis Point
The development of McGinnis Point is somewhat
intertwined with the story of Beacon’s Reach, but veers off in a different
direction. Before getting to the development of the area and its homeowner
association, let’s begin with the location and early history of McGinnis Point.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Greyhounds, Miss America, Drinking, and Gambling . . .
now I’ve got your attention, but you’re probably wondering how am I going to
weave those subjects into a story about the history of Pine Knoll Shores. The story begins a few days back while I was doing
research on the history of Bogue Banks Public Library.
Roosevelts Who Developed PKS
The Roosevelts who developed Pine
Knoll Shores, the grandchildren of President Theodore Roosevelt, were all
individuals of accomplishment before taking on their roles here. This post
attempts to outline what we know about them.[i]
Evolution of Hoffman Homestead
John Royall’s “Isle of Pines” estate underwent major
changes after Alice Hoffman came on the scene. I use the phrase “came on the
scene” because Alice requested and made changes before she purchased the
property. When John Royall owned the land, the main house was his hunting lodge
with a small cabin nearby for his friend Dr Allison to use. The first two years
Alice was on Bogue Banks (1915 and 1916), she rented Dr Allison’s cabin and
immediately started remodeling it to her liking. After she purchased the 2,000-acre
estate from Mr. Royall, she continued to enlarge the cabin, and the hunting
lodge eventually became just another worker’s cottage. This post shows how her
homestead changed over time.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
A. C. Hall: Master Planner
Monday, July 21, 2014
Alice’s Last Will and Sad Testament
Alice Hoffman has left us many
documents, including a 200+ page unpublished autobiography, stacks of ledgers
and budgets, shopping lists, remodeling blueprints, inventories of her
possessions, letters, legal papers and, finally, a Last Will and Testament.[i] Unlike most modern-day wills, Alice’s is more typical of an earlier age when
writing a will was a final opportunity to right perceived wrongs. Hers went
through several revisions.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Canal Building
In the spring of 1967 a young
couple on vacation from their work in Washington D.C. were exploring Bogue
Banks. She was showing him the area where her Grandfather once had a fishing
cabin. Turning off Salter Path Road at Juniper, they drove north on what at the
time was a packed dirt road sprayed with tar-oil to keep the dust down. Going
left when the road ended at Oakleaf, they proceeded a short way until the road
ended at what is today McNeill Park. They left the car parked at the end of the
road and explored the construction activity underway. A canal was being built
by the use of a crane-type dragline. This inquisitive couple recalls a
cofferdam near the canal’s north end to keep Bogue Sound from filling the
construction site. Pumps were also operating to remove seepage and naturally
occurring water.
This eyewitness recollection
sparked my interest to learn more about the building of the Pine Knoll Waterway
. . . Oh yes, that couple lives today in Pine Knoll Shores.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Alice's Financial Misadventures I
Up until the late 1920s, Alice
Hoffman was spending freely; travelling widely, including cross-Atlantic and
cross Pacific voyages; buying up real estate in New York, Paris and North
Carolina; pursuing other business ventures—e.g., logging, raising cattle and
dairy farming—in North Carolina while living primarily in France, entertaining,
racing horses and gambling. Born to a wealthy New York family in 1862, she was
very much apart of a gilded age. She had servants—nurses, personal maids,
cooks, chauffeurs, secretaries, gardeners and other caretakers. She lived most
of her life off of two family trusts, a large one from her grandfather Theron
R. Butler and a smaller one from her father Albert Green. Between the 1929
stock market crash and the onset of World War II, the gild cracked and peeled.
Alice's Financial Misadventures II
Following the trail of Alice’s
financial misadventures requires an unscrambling of a long series of court
cases. I say “series,” but, in fact, some were concurrent cases. The tangle of
legal battles involving all the properties she had purchased in New York, North
Carolina and France could fill volumes. This part of the story begins at the
peak of Alice Hoffman’s financial collapse in 1935. In the subsequent three
years, Alice’s life changed forever. The Depression was lingering on, and
another major war was brewing. But, the focus here is on Alice Hoffman’s legal
battles, with special emphasis on Carteret County court cases.
Alice's Financial Misadventures III
proceeding, a disclaimer is in order. From 1917 to 1953, there were over 60
court proceedings in Carteret County having to do with Alice Hoffman’s North
Carolina property—not including any of the suits involving Salter Path. The
stories of “Alice’s Financial Misadventures” by necessity oversimplify the
complexities of her local cases and make only casual references to legal
battles involving her property in New York City and France. The first two parts
of this series focused primarily on property purchases and borrowing habits
that led to Alice’s financial disaster. The final blow was to come from failure
to pay taxes. Part III of the story concentrates on Alice’s property tax
problems in North Carolina, leading to what Pine Knoll Shores may deem a final
heroic effort by the Roosevelts.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Brock Basin: A Man Behind a Plan
Basin: A Man Behind a Plan
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Early Pine Knoll Shores
The Town of Pine
Knoll Shores was chartered by the state General Assembly in 1973. Before it was
chartered, many actions and events occurred that set the stage for the
community we have today. Prior to being a town, the land was under stewardship
of members of the Roosevelt family, and before them, Alice Hoffman, and before
her, John Royall. Before Royall, several others claimed it. In colonial times, the
Lords Proprietors ruled, and, before them, it was the land of native peoples. They
all had one trait in common: they left the land essentially untouched. That all
changed starting in the 1940s, when two significant events occurred that shaped
development of Bogue Banks.
Locating Alice's House
A certain amount of
uncertainty and confusion exist around the location of Alice Hoffman’s
house. All evidence puts it on the north
shore of Bogue Banks, west of Yaupon Point and east of McGinnis Point. Several
people have claimed that remnants of her house are on their property. This post
presents the stories, evidence and observable data as a basis for further
Alice's Tie to the Roosevelts
Some of the most commonly known
facts about Pine Knoll Shores are that members of the Roosevelt family owned
this land, preserved some of it in a natural state and developed most of it. Covenants
they left behind continue to shape the character of the town. The Roosevelt
connection came through Alice Hoffman’s niece, Eleanor Butler Alexander. Who
was she? How was she connected to the Roosevelt family? Why were her children
Alice Hoffman’s heirs? This post attempts to answer these questions while
shedding some light on Eleanor’s life.[i]
Homeowner Associations: PKA & PIKSCO
Pine Knoll Shores has a
complex governance system. In addition to a mayor, town manager, board of
commissioners and various departments of city government, the town consists of
numerous homeowner associations. The exact number depends on how one counts
them. Some sections of town have one homeowner association, and others have a
master association with several small associations representing specific
constituencies in a larger development.
Understanding the history
and makeup of homeowner associations is one way of understanding Pine Knoll
Shores. (For background information, see post on “Early Pine Knoll Shores
Development: 1950s & 60s.”)
Friday, June 20, 2014
Iver-Johnson Revolver
In an earlier post
entitled “Alice in Her Own Words,” it is noted that the unpublished
autobiography tells us that Alice Hoffman kept “two pistols, one on each side
of her bed, in fear of intruders who might do her harm.” Following is
information about one of those pistols.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Kitchen, Food, and Drink
History is often told through grand events and
momentous changes, but in trying to understand an individual person and why
they did what they did, the mundane, day-to-day activities may provide a more
nuanced and human picture. And when we get down to a daily activity, which we
all can relate to, another side of Mrs. Hoffman, shows through. Lets go to
Alice’s kitchen and see what’s cooking.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Homeowner Associations: Beacon's Reach
In the 1970s and 80s, the Roosevelts sold off property for development, primarily condo development, but they held on to the property that would become Beacon’s Reach. Proceeding on what would be their final project on the island, they created a new corporation in the form of a homeowner association for each section under development. A Master Association, working with its various constituent HOAs, would be responsible for internal roads—their paving, lighting and parking enforcement—for waste-water treatment as well as for parks, marinas, tennis courts, pools and other amenities. Consequently, the most complex homeowner structure in Pine Knoll Shores emerged with the development of Beacon’s Reach.
Reach 1985 Planning Map on conference room wall in Property Management
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Alice in Her Own Words
Alice Hoffman has left us about 200 pages of an autobiography, which she seems
to have written and had typed for her in the 1940s. The manuscript is divided
into titled, stapled sections—two of which are handwritten. It’s difficult to
put them in chronological order, but her words increase our fascination with her.[i]
Here are some observations about the structure, style and content of Alice’s
91 years - Alice Green Hoffman Timeline
Alice had a long life, and
one filled with numerous complex social patterns. She was born and raised at a prestigious
address during the gilded age in Manhattan and spent the last years of her life
in a home deep in a rural maritime forest at the end of a dirt road. In
addition to homes, she had a vast array of real estate holdings and business
interest in the New York City area, Paris, France and Carteret County. Much of these activities were going on
simultaneously. She was widely travelled, making dozens of Trans-Atlantic,
Tran-Pacific, and Caribbean voyages, all on the finest ocean liners of the
day. She had many business associates and
adversaries, a regularly changing cast of lawyers and advisors as well as personal
staff and servants, with her at all times. The following is an attempt
to organize these complexities chronologically by year and by Alice’s age at the time. As new and more accurate information becomes
available this listing will be updated.
Landmarks — Part 2
Second of a three part story, Deeds, Landmarks, Boundaries.
Before GPS, charts, maps, and road signs were readily available, features of the landscape were the guideposts that helped people travel on land and navigate on the waters. They were a key piece of shared local knowledge. At the time, they were so well known and accepted as common knowledge that they were a fundamental part of legal documents and deeds. This is the story of the search for and identification of those nineteenth and early twentieth century landmarks on the eastern portion of Bogue Banks.
Before GPS, charts, maps, and road signs were readily available, features of the landscape were the guideposts that helped people travel on land and navigate on the waters. They were a key piece of shared local knowledge. At the time, they were so well known and accepted as common knowledge that they were a fundamental part of legal documents and deeds. This is the story of the search for and identification of those nineteenth and early twentieth century landmarks on the eastern portion of Bogue Banks.
Church Buildings of Salter Path
“7,250 feet from the church spire in Salter Path.”
This phrase is used to describe a critical boundary in three separate land
transactions. In a 1917 deed it establishes the western end of Alice Hoffman’s
property. In a 1922 deed it establishes the eastern boundary of Henry Fort’s
property. Again in 1940, it is used to place the eastern end of a land-use plan
for the western part of Bogue Banks, the forerunner of what would become
Emerald Isle. Verifying the exact location of the church from 1916 through 1940
will clarify these critical boundaries and eliminate a number of assumptions.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Deeds — Part 1
First of a three-part story: Deeds, Landmarks, Boundaries
The geographic area that is the primary focus of this blog is broadly referred to as the Hoffman/Roosevelt Property. The boundaries of the property have been described in news articles and books for the past 50 years as covering about 4,000 acres, running from a point some distance beyond the current Pine Knoll Shores-Atlantic Beach boundary on the east to a point some distance beyond the current Indian Beach-Emerald Isle boundary on the west. The vagueness of these descriptions left me with a desire for a bit more precision and led to a trip to the Carteret County Recorder of Deeds Office.
The geographic area that is the primary focus of this blog is broadly referred to as the Hoffman/Roosevelt Property. The boundaries of the property have been described in news articles and books for the past 50 years as covering about 4,000 acres, running from a point some distance beyond the current Pine Knoll Shores-Atlantic Beach boundary on the east to a point some distance beyond the current Indian Beach-Emerald Isle boundary on the west. The vagueness of these descriptions left me with a desire for a bit more precision and led to a trip to the Carteret County Recorder of Deeds Office.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Boundaries — Part 3
Third of a three-part story: Deeds, Landmarks, Boundaries.
The post “Deeds” discusses the deeds and legal documents that relate to Alice Hoffman’s land purchases along with the limitations of surveying on Bogue Banks in the early nineteen hundreds. The post “Landmarks” identifies the landmarks that are key to understanding the deeds. This post charts the land that Alice owned on Bogue Banks as of 1925.
The post “Deeds” discusses the deeds and legal documents that relate to Alice Hoffman’s land purchases along with the limitations of surveying on Bogue Banks in the early nineteen hundreds. The post “Landmarks” identifies the landmarks that are key to understanding the deeds. This post charts the land that Alice owned on Bogue Banks as of 1925.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Our First Conservationist
Alice Green Hoffman made a
monumental contribution to Pine Knoll Shores. Without her, the Roosevelts
would not have had the swath of near virgin real estate to convert into an
environmentally sensitive, planned community.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Was Verrazano Here?
How far back can we trace the history of the section
of Bogue Banks we know as Pine Knoll Shores? We have evidence that native
Americans camped and fished here, but the earliest recorded history of a
westerner visiting may be when the explorer Giovanni da Verrazano arrived in
the 16th century.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
From Paris to Bogue Banks
Part II: Les Années Folles
Part II of Alice Green Hoffman in
France begins after World War I and ends with the outbreak of World War II in
Europe. The world had changed dramatically since our Alice was last in France,
but she had already grown accustomed to change, living as she did in such very
different places—New York City, Bogue Banks and Paris.
Friday, January 31, 2014
The Atlantic Hotel
It is enlightening to put Alice and her life at Shore
House in the context of the world of the socially prominent and well connected
across the sound. The contrast is striking.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Life at Shore House
Alice Hoffman’s home on the north shore of Bogue Banks
from 1917 to 1953 was remote and primitive at first. Conditions gradually
improved, and by the time she died, “Shore House” was a little more accessible,
less primitive and more connected to the outside world.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Georgina Pope Yeatman - A Curious Coincindence
Pope Yeatman (1902-1982) has no direct connection to the history of PKS, but
there are interesting parallels between her and Alice Hoffman.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Aquarium Story
Why is the Aquarium located in Pine Knoll
Shores and not at what would seemingly be a more reasonable and perhaps more
obvious location such as Morehead City, Beaufort, Harkers Island or Fort Macon?
Answering that question takes us back many years and involves the
Roosevelts, the emerging community of PKS and an ongoing concern for the
Links and Bridges
The earliest visitors to Bogue Banks came by boat, canoe or by swimming across the sound. The boats were powered by sails or oars and, later by internal combustion engines. Before the dredging for the Intracoastal Waterway, originally called the Inland Waterway, it was possible to wade across in places. This all changed with the opening of the first bridge in 1928.
United States Post Office
From time to time we’ve all had issues with the US
Postal Service. Late deliveries,
misdirected mail, slow service, lost items or delayed pick-up, so we inquire at
the window, complain, try to understand the system, hoping to make it work
better for us. But I never thought that
the solution was to have my own Post Office -- Alice did!
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